Contact Us
Call or email with a description of your item to receive a free estimate.
Provide as much information as possible any of which can include:
Type of Documentation you are looking for: Insurance, Estate, Resale, Divorce
Type of jewelry item to be appraised and amount of items: ring, earrings, bracelet, watch, pearls.
Type of diamonds or gemstones believed to be in the items: diamond shape, size, quality. Gemstone type, ruby, sapphire, emerald, semi-precious stones.
Type of metal for item: gold 14/18/22K, silver, platinum
Type of designer or brand: Rolex, Cartier or any markings or stampings
Type of previous documentation: Certification for diamonds or gemstones, previous appraisal documents, original bill of sale.
Upload photos of your items: Use a daylight equivalent light and a backdrop that is not black or white, blue or brown backgrounds work best.
Once you have received your estimate, schedule your in office consultation.
All assessment will be done while you wait. No need to leave your items, and in most cases you will receive your full documentation at the conclusion of your consultation.

Schedule Your Appraisal
We’ll prepare a proposal and walk you through every step of the process.